Last year I was blessed to be included in writing for the Seer’s Table, a column for the Horror Writers Association. I was first–FLOORED–and super excited to say yes. This has been my chance to discover new writers and expose their work to the masses. How awesome is that?! For me, it’s like Christmas presents. Every year I buys presents for family and friends that I believe they would like…because I WOULD like them. Each gift is something i would love for people to buy me! I admire it for a while, maybe even try it on (jewelry) before wrapping it and sending it off to it’s new owner. Writing for the Seer’s Table feels the same; I am giving another fledgling writer an opportunity to be seen, to be asked about their work, and to be officially put on the map. I put myself into the shoes of the author I’m writing about every time, and bring that wide-eyed delight of being recognized into my articles. It’s so exciting!
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